Comita Automation LLC
Full range of industrial automation services
About us
Comita Group Company
Comita Group of Companies holds a leading position in the automation, information technology, telecommunications and construction. These companies offer innovative integrated solutions for oil and gas industry, which is confirmed by successfully implemented projects at the Gazprom facilities
Comita Automation LLC develops and commercially produces a wide range of automatic control systems for gas compressor units, gas compressor stations, power plants, automated power supply management systems, technical accounting systems for energy etc.
Comita Automation LLC provides a full range of industrial automation services from pre-design inspection to implementation and maintenance
Pre-design inspection
We will provide an inspection of the automation object together with the Customer’s specialists and develop the initial technical requirements and specifications
Pre-design inspection
We will provide an inspection of the automation object together with the Customer’s specialists and develop the initial technical requirements and specifications
We will develop an effective solution for the automation of any equipment and technological processes, including the development of control algorithms, software and a complete set of operational documentation
We will produce automation systems of any complexity from individual control cabinets to complex control systems placed in containers
We will produce automation systems of any complexity from individual control cabinets to complex control systems placed in containers
We will carry out installation and commissioning works at the site and put the equipment into use
We will provide 24/7 technical support to the Custormer’s specialists and perform regular maintenance of automation systems to maintain smooth operation
We will provide 24/7 technical support to the Custormer’s specialists and perform regular maintenance of automation systems to maintain smooth operation
Why us?
Experienced team
We have a team of highly qualified specialists with large experience in automation of the oil and gas and energy industries
Full range of services
Pre-design inspection, design, production, implementation, commissioning and maintenance
Customer choice automation equipment
Construction of automation systems on element base at the choice of the Customer
Comita Automation LLC Office
Address: Torfyanaya Doroga, 7F, Office 921, St. Petersburg, Russia 197374
Phone: +7 812 237 32 32
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