Construction and engineering

In-house construction and project divisions allows us to provide the whole spectrum of design and construction services.

Construction and engineering

«TEKsviazinzhiniring» LLC provides the full complex of works within the area of deploying infrastructure projects in the mining, processing, and transportation of the natural gas, acting as a general contractor (EPC/EPCM contracts). It fulfills the construnction project management on each part of the lifecycle: starting from developing general technical solutions, concepts, investment projects and investing appreciation, to providing the works on technical service and repairs of industrial objects.


Design and survey works;

General construction and special works;

Construction organization and supervision;

Start-up works;

Asset management and operations;

Technical service and repairs;

Energy audit;


Service and quality control system

«TEKsviazinzhiniring» LLC has all the necessary compliances, certificates, licenses and is staffed by highly qualified and competent specialists with extensive experience. The company has the Certificat from «GAZAPROM GAZNADZOR» LLC on organizational and technical readiness of the organization to conduct work during the capital construction and reconstruction of gas transport facilities OAO «Gazprom».

"TEKsviazinzhiniring" LLC confirmed certificate compliance:

ГОСТ Р ИСО 9001-2015 (ISO 9001:2015) – quality of service management system

ГОСТ Р ИСО 14001-2016 (ISO 14001:2015) –  environmental management system

СТО Газпром 9001-2012 – STO Gazprom quality management system

Implementing the main principles of the quality management system allows to increase the efficiency of production enterprise.

Within organization the quality control division has been formed, which includes in-hose non-destructive control lab, electrical and construction laboratories.

Experience and projects

«TEKsviazinzhiniring» LLC recently participated in implementation, construction, and deployment of more than a dozen of objects, largest of which are the construction of objects for providing uninterrupted operations on the sea area of the gas pipeline «South stream», «Радиорелейная линия связи на участке ОРС КС «Кореновская» — УРС «Кореновск» и ОРС ЦДП «Краснодар» — УРС КС «Казачья- ОРС «Русская» Южно-Европейского газопровода», «Реконструкция опорно-транзитной сети автоматической телефонной сети ОАО «Газпром» для нужд ООО «Газпром cвязь», «Магистральный газопровод «Сила Сибири». Этап 1. Участок «Чаянда-Ленск». The works have been finished without mistakes and within the contract deadlines.

The experience of «TEKsviazinzhiniring» LLC can be used on Обустройство Ковыктинского газоконденсатного месторождения» and «Обустройство сеноман-аптских залежей Харасавейского ГКМ» objects construction.