
Comita Group of Companies has all necessary licenses, type approval and certificate of conformity for the Group to be allowed to produce equipment, to deliver and install it, and operate on all objects of oil-gas industry, in nuclear power industry,  in state institutions including the right to use documentation classified as state secret:

  • The Licence of FSB RF (Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation) for working with informations which belong to state secret classified informations;
  • The License of Rostekhnadzor (the Federal Service for Ecological, Technological and Nuclear Supervision) for work and service:
    • In all places where nuclear power is researched and places with nuclear reactor;
    • In all places where radioactive waste is stored;
    • In all nuclear power stations by their reconstruction, modernization and MRO (maintenance, repair, and operations);
  • The License of EMERCOM (The Ministry of Emergency Situations) for installation, maintenance and repair of fire safety equipment for buildings and non-building structures;
  • The Licence of Rosreestr (The Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography) for geodetic and cartographic works of the Federal purpose which effects have national and cross-branches importance;
  • The Decision of LLC “Gazprom gaznadzor” about organizational and technical ability to work in fundamental construction and reconstruction of gas transport facilities OJSC “Gazprom”;
  • The Attestation different welding technology and welding products according to condition of Russian National Agency of Control and Welding (NAKS) and regulations of OJSC “AK Transneft”;
  • The certificates corresponding to quality managements systems GOST R ISO 9001-2008, GOST R ISO 14001-2007, GOST ISO 9001-2011, СТО Gazprom 9001-2012, and also from system of voluntary certification “GAZPROMSERT”;
  • The certificates for different types of equipment and also of equipment for microwave radio relay SDR3500LH what is the product of company “ELNA» LLC.

Quality Policy

Corporate Social Responsibility Policy

Health, Safety, Security and Environmental Policy

Functional Safety Policy