Social Responsibilities
Comita Group of Companies carries out a wealth of social programs, and actively participate in charitable activities in Russia and Europe.
Vrsic Pass, Slovenia
One of the considerable projects is the support for the Russian Chapel in the Julian Alps (Vrsic Pass, Slovenia) built in 1916. In 2015 at the Chapel celebrations with participation of Prime Minister of Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev were held. In 2016 on occasion of 100th anniversary of the foundation Russian’ Chapel, Russia and Slovenia issued a conjoint postage stamp.
Friendship cup
In May 2016 on the eve of the Victory Day with the active participation of the Comita Group of Companies in Moscow the first International basketball tournament between the best children’s team of Russia and Serbia – “Friendship cup” took place. The organizers intended this event as a support for the development of mass youth sports and the progressive development of social and cultural connection between countries, as well as this event become an annual one.
Children’s Republic Polenovo
Every year just before the New Year celebration, for several years the employees of the Group take part in a social activity – the gathering of charitable aid for the pupils of Luhtomsko children’s home, in Vladimir city region.
Comita Group of Companies took part in the repair works and urban renewal, as well as full replacement of streetlight in Sanatorium-health complex “Children’s Republic Polenovo” in Zaoksky district of Tula region.
Organizations support
Furthermore, Comita Group of Companies support more than 30 sports, educational, humanitarian and non-governmental organizations in Russia, Greece, Slovenia, Serbia and other Balkan countries.
The festival “Fakel”(Torch) PAO (PJSC) “Gazprom”. Comita Group of Companies, together with the companies belonging to “Gazprom” group, is an active member of large-scale project – The Сorporate Festival Of Creative Collectives “The Torch”. Musical groups from Slovenia take part in Festival with the invitation of Comita Group of Companies, entertain the audiences with the original music of their motherland.