Serbian gas pipeline
Comita Group of Companies participates in the development and engineering of the «Main gas pipeline (Interconnector)»
«Bulgarian border – Hungarian border»
Main gas pipeline (interconnector)
«Bulgarian border – Hungarian border»
On the territory of Republic of Serbia the gas pipeline starts at Bulgarian-Serbian border and ends at Serbian-Hungarian border. The full lenght of the interconnecting gas pipeline exceeds 400km.
Comita Group of Companies took part at every stage of the project documentation development in accordance with international regulations, The European Union standards, and legislations of Republic of Serbia.
Enabling the functioning
To enable the functioning of the objects within the linear part of gas pipeline Comita Group of Companies developed and installed fully manufacture-ready block-containers, which included a complex of systems of automation and leaks control, fire alarm systems, gas contamination and fire-fighting control, safety systems and telecommunications equipment, as well as energy supply systems and cathodic protection of the gas pipeline. Similar equipment is being made for the compressor station.
System integrator of the joint project
A large group of Russian, Serbian and European partners are working on the project implementation, while Comita Group of Companies plays a role of the complex system integrator, providing the interaction of all systems on all stages of the project lifecycle.
It’s worth pointing out the fact that the linear telemechanics system, as well as dispatching systems are produced based on the Russian hardware-software technical complex «SOYUZ-TM», manufactured by ООО внедренческая фирма «ЭЛНА».
Dispatching center
To control the gas transportation pipeline system a creation of the unified control center was designed — the Main dispatching center. The engineering of the dispatching center Comita Group of Companies executes in the «turn-key» approach.
The dispatching center is being built within the small time frame, utilizing innovative technologies, which allowed for not just creating a technological object, but also to provide comfortable working conditions for the staff.
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